PayFor sp. z o.o. is implementing a project subsidized by European Funds. " software and fintech application for the tourism industry. Automating and integrating international payment and settlement processes between tourism market participants."
The aim of the project is to introduce a product innovation to the domestic and international market: a fintech platform for the travel industry that automates and integrates international payment and settlement processes between travel market participants in particular tour operators, hotels, sales agents, travel agents, distribution channels, and payments received from B2C (tourists) versus B2B (companies).
Price Request:
- Advertising on Google Ads and Facebook Ads, price inquiry and bid form attached. Google Ads Marketing PayFor bid form.docx. PayFor request for proposal - Fb and Ads..docx
- Account manager, price inquiry and bid form attached. Request for price - PayFor Financial Guardian-copy.docx Kopia KO4-R_2023-03-01_zal1_FORMULARZ_opiekun_PayFor.docx